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'Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. For you shall go to all to whom I send you. And whatever I command you , you shall speak." Jeremiah 1: 4-5, 7.



James and Sabrina are the co-founders of Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc. Both have responded to the call of God independently given to them in

the words of Jeremiah 1:4-7. Their ministry travels so far include Canada, Egypt, India, Israel, Italy, Kenya, and Peru.


James and Sabrina acknowledge their ongoing advancement and development from the equipping ministry of their mentor and overseer Rev. Miriam Hellman of Prophetic Ministries, Amherst, NY.



James L. Floyd

James Floyd is a Christian minister in service to the Lord and others for over thirty years.  While living in the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, and Memphis, he ministered as a resident counselor, young men’s leader, altar worker, and church van driver. He has participated in community service as a member of AmeriCorps in Memphis, Tennessee and helped lead the development of a local community center, Noah’s Ark, in Shelby, Mississippi. He is also a Veteran of the United States Army.


He dedicated twelve years in ongoing weekly ministry to Veterans in North Little Rock, Arkansas, Spiritual Boot Camp. James is anointed to minister to men who desire to grow in the grace of God. He is often found in fellowship with such men in personal one-on-one ministry helping to develop and build the inner man to respond to the full call of God. He is ordained with an Apostolic anointing, the ministry of the sent one, and is always willing to go where the Lord directs him, if that be to a neighbor or to a nation.

His biblical studies include The Exodus School of the Bible, The New Life Church of Cleveland, Mississippi, a division of Western Collegium of Bible Schools and Triune Biblical University of Kelso, Washington, where he received a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies. His ministerial training also includes his ongoing submission to ministerial development through Prophetic Ministries and the School of Holy Spirit.


James is married to his beautiful wife, Sabrina.


Sabrina A. Floyd

Sabrina Floyd is a Christian minister who has served the Lord and others for over thirty  years. She is a remarkable communicator who possesses a distinct ability to convey and impart an understanding of her message. This ability is recognized by many as a unique gift from God to deliver His Word.


Sabrina received a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and a Master's Degree in Guidance Counseling, from Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana earning the Top Graduate Student of the Year Award. She is a graduate of The School of the Apostles and Prophets, Gideon Christian Fellowship International, New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as the School of the Prophets, Metro Church, North Little Rock, Arkansas, where she received the honor of graduating at the top of her class. Her ministerial training also includes her ongoing submission to ministerial development through Prophetic Ministries and the School of Holy Spirit.


In 2007, she initiated Spiritual Boot Camp, with a vision to equip Veterans who have a Christian faith in how to apply their faith in Jesus  toward overcoming life adjustment issues. Sabrina is an ordained minister with an Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. She is most often ministering to those who have a desire for a deeper understanding which produces the promises of God in their lives and their ministries.  

Sabrina enjoys sharing the Lord's adventures with her loving husband.



1138 N. Germantown Pkwy Suite 101 #304

Cordova, TN 38016

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