Sons Of Oil Ministries
Sons of Oil Ministries provides
practical, in-depth teaching and training, designed to equip you to be producers of the promises of God in your life, your ministry, your family, and your nation.
Meetings, conferences, and speaking engagements are held
as announced. See our events page for current information.
Phone: 1 501 765-1141
Email: sonsofoilministries@gmail.com
1138 N. Germantown Pkwy.
Suite 101 #304
Cordova, TN 38016
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Greetings and Welcome
We are excited to have you visit us and get to know more about our ministry. We believe that just as you have found us here, you will find something within our ministry and our messages that will be a blessing to your life.
Sons of Oil Ministries is a non-denominational company of Christian believers. We are a church but a bit non-traditional. We are much like those early churches established in the days of the apostles where the focus is on building faith in Christ Jesus and His teachings on the inside of the person. Our manner of ministry gives us the liberty to go and do as the Lord directs. Our tenants of faith are rooted and grounded in the Bible, God’s inspired Word. Please visit our Statement of Faith page to see more of what we believe.
We are called by the Lord Jesus to serve the universal Body of Christ. He sends us to the nations to deliver Holy Spirit inspired teachings from the Bible to a particular place and people. In service to the universal Body of Christ, we train and develop other ministries and equip leaders and saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ.
Thank you for visiting us. We invite you to join us for a meeting. You are most welcome.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace". (Numbers 6:24-26).
In the Love of Jesus
James and Sabrina Floyd